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Project management

Determination of financial and economic viability, appraisal, monitoring, evaluation and technical assistance of housing, land, water and sanitation and basic infrastructure project in developing countries.

European Commission

Thorough knowledge of Project Cycle Management and procedures of the European Commission

EU budget lines:

      - DG Development, 21-02-03 (B7-6000) (53 projects)

      - Block Grant (15 projects)

      - ECHO (2 projects)

      - ALTENER (2 projects)

      - Bilateral Cooperation EU (4 projects)

      - LIFE (1 project)




  • Bred for the World-KATE (17 Projects)

  •  KATE (7 projects)


  • Groupe de Recherches et d'Echanges Technologiques - GRET (1 proyect)

United Kingdom

  • Overseas Development Administration ODA (10 projects)

  • States of Jersey (4 projects)

  • Save the Children Holland (2 projects)

  • Charity Projects (5 projects)

  • Tudor Trust (4 projects)

  • Housing Associations (10 projects)



  • Fundación la Caixa (5 projects)

  • Ayuntamiento de Madrid (2 projects)

  • International Spanish Co-operation Agency AECI (9 projects)

  • Cives Mundi (6 projects)

  • Junta de Castilla y León (1 project)


Development Projects Consultant:

  • AFC (Germany)

  • AVENIA (Spain)

  • CABI International (United Kingdom)

  • Cives Mundi (Spain)

  • European Commission

  • HFHI, Habitat for Humanity International (USA)

  • ISW, International Secretariat for Water (Canada)

  • INYPSA (Spain)

  • KATE (Germany)

  • Landell Mills (United Kingdom)

  • Pan Para el Mundo (Germany)

  • SEE, Solidarité Eau Europe (France)

  • United Nations

  • WDC, World Development Consultants S.A. (Spain)


Financial and technical assistance

Project development, appraisal, monitoring, evaluation and technical assistance in housing, basic infrastructure and development in general in more than 50 countries


Angola, Argentina, Argelia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chad, Chile, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, U.S.A., Spain, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Mauritania, Malawi, Mexico, Namibia, Nicaragua, India, Indonesia, Uganda, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, Zimbabwe.



Appropriate technologies

Housing projects carried out using appropriate technologies with local materials



Four prefabricated construction systems


Wattle and Daub:

Two prefabricated construction systems


Rammed Earth:

Modular construction system


Earth Pumice-Stone:

Modular application



Roofs Daub


Mud Brick:

Manual and stabilised system


Concrete Block:

Reinforced system 



Four prefabricated construction systems




Housing and basic infrastructure projects

Participation in housing, water and sanitation projects and development of community facilities in various stages in 13 countries (1976-2005)



1 Materials bank for housing improvements. (1996-97)



2 Drinking water and latrine projects. (1995)



300 House improvements. (1996-97)
50 Houses. (1995-97)
1 Programme (7 projects) drinking water provision. (1995)



1,000 Houses in mud brick, wood and wattle and daub. (1991)


Dominican Republic

Pilot project of solid waste collection in urban areas of Sto. Domingo (2004)



43 Private residencies in different low cost housing techniques. (1978-1993)
250 Houses in wattle and daub. (1993)
450 Houses in timber, wattle and daub and mud brick. (1992)
6 Buildings in timber, wattle and daub, mud brick, wattle and daub. (1990)
28 Houses in wattle and daub. (1988)
15 Schools in timber. (1985)
100 Houses in timber. (1981-84)
25 Houses. (1982)
43 Residencies in different low cost technologies. (1978-1993)
100 Houses. (1976)

750 Flats in Medium Rise Buildings (2000-2005)


El Salvador

2.000 Houses. (1993)

3.600 Houses in four technologies (2001)



1.500 Houses. (1996-97)
4.500 Houses. (1996-97)



Housing prototypes. (1996)

50 Houses (1999)



470 Houses



862 interventions in housing improving and urban densification (2000-2005



466 Houses various technologies (2001-2004)


South Africa

120 Houses. (1999)



Computer Skills

Thorough knowledge of computers and programs for PC (Windows XP) and Apple Macintosh.


Word processing:
Project management:
Data bases:
Graphic design:
Web pages:


Excel 2003
Word 2003
Photoshop 7.0
Page Maker 7.0
Power Point 2003
Microsoft Project 4.0
Access 2003
Auto CAD 2000
Front Page 2003

Outlook 2003


Software and Web Sites Development


  • Affordability and cost recovery systems for low-cost housing. In use in 32 countries. (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese).


  • Multi-technology budgeting system for low-cost construction. In use in 27 countries. (English, Spanish, French, Portuguese).


  • Systems for site management (labour, materials and transport costs)


  • Multi-projects financial follow up and control system.


  • Computerised system for projects budgeting (EU, ODA, etc.)


  • Computer applications for presentations, education and technological transfer.

Web Sites:

  • Web sites production for: habit@t IEPALA, ISW, DW, ASDE, Africaucus, etc.


  • World Habitat Guides in Internet Home, Techno, Info.



Main publications


Key referees


Günter Koschwitz, Director. KATE (Centre of Ecology and Developpment)
Blumenstrasse 19, 70182 Stuttgart, Germany.
Tel: (++49) 711 / 24 83 97 01 Fax: (++49)711 / 24 83 97 22 email: koschwitz@kate-stuttgart.org


Bernard Declève, Director. H&D (Habitat et Développement)
Place du Levant 1, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.
Tel: (32-10) 472386 Fax: (32-10) 474544


Sylvio Bezerra, Technical Director. COHAB (Companhia de Habitação do Ceará)
Avenida Santos Dumont, 1425 - 60150 Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil.
Tel: (55-85) 2447837 Fax: (55-85) 2615030


Mario Vásconez, Director. CIUDAD (Research Center)
Fernando Meneses 265 y Av. la Gasca, Quito, Ecuador.
Tel: (59-32) 234705 Fax: (59-32) 500322

email: mvasco@ecuanex.ciudad.net.ec


Reinhard Goethert, Director, SINGUS, MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4307, USA
Tel: (617) 253-2402 Fax: (617) 253-8993


Serge Allou GRET (Groupe de Recherche et d'Echanges Technologiques)
213, rue La Fayette 75010, Paris, France.
Tel: (33 1) 40351314 Fax: (33 1) 40350839



United Kingdom
John Perry. Chairman Homeless International Projects Comitee & Director of Chartered Institute of Housing.
Octavia House, Westwood Business Park, Coventry, CV4 8JP. U.K.
Tel: (44) 1203 694433 Fax: (44) 1203 695110

Email:  john.perry@cih.org


Nabeel Hamdi. Director. CENDEP (Centre for Development and Emergency Planning)
Oxford Brookes University, Gipsy Lane, Headington, Oxford OX3 OBP, U.K.
Tel: (44) 0865-483413 Fax: (44) 0865-483298


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