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The principal objective of this thesis is to design a methodology for selecting the most appropriate technology; monitoring; site supervision and feedback for Low-Cost Housing Construction in Developing Countries.

The results will be three products: this thesis which explains the methodology; a software user's manual and the software package on disk,


Areas of Application


This methodology is designed for medium and large-scale projects and programmes of over 50 houses.


Economic Sector
Family income between 1 and 6 minimum salaries per month.


Geographical Sector
Tropical and subtropical regions in developing countries


Building Technology
Self-help prefabricated construction systems


Target user
Spectrum in between: construction and information systems semi skilled agency worker and Construction Expert.


Technical Equipment
The software must be run on:


Macintosh Systems
- A Macintosh equipped with a 68020, 68030 or 68040 processor SE/30, Classic, LC series, Quadra series, Power PC series, Powerbook series and Duo series.
- System 6.05 or later
- 4 MBs of RAM
- Microsoft Excel versions 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0


IBM Compatible
- A Hardware equipped with a 286, 386 or 486 processor
- System Windows 3.0 or later
- 4 MBs of RAM
- Microsoft Excel 3.0, 4.0 or 5.0 for Windows

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Contents | Preface | Acknowledgements | Abstract | Introduction
Objective | Methodology | Conclusions | Bibliography

Trade-off Methodology for Low-Cost Housing Construction Technologies
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